About Us

Rose Clinic

About Us

Rose Clinic was established to provide multidisciplinary care for skin health with the primary aim of identifying skin changes that lead to cancer as well as aiding in the diagnosis of skin cancer at the earlier stage.

Our founder Professor H. Paul Redmond is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Surgery at Cork University Hospital Group. His special interest is in surgical oncology.

Over the years Professor Redmond’s passion has increasingly focused on cancer awareness, screening, and prevention. In line with this concept, he has developed Rose Clinic with a team of experienced practitioners with the focus on Skin Health and Mole Mapping, implementing an Artificial Intelligence screening program.

We operated Rose Clinic from the Consultants Private Clinic in May 2021 and moved into our own location in Penrose Wharf, April 2022. We opened our Limerick Clinic in May 2022. Since then, we have seen screened over 2000 patients in the past 18 months. These include patients referred by their own G.Ps, as well as those who have made an appointment with us directly.


Early detection is vital and if diagnosed early, up to 90% of cases are curable. In the case of melanoma, picking up on it early can save a life.

For this reason, we feel it is important for everyone to be skin aware, to perform monthly self-checks for changes, and for at-risk individuals, regular screening should be considered.

With four Mole Screening clinic locations operating at present, Rose Clinic is now also offering on-site services for our corporate clients, as well as packages for those wishing to avail of full body screening for their staff in one of our clinic locations.

For more information, or if you have any questions relating to our services, please feel free to contact our Central Booking Office on 021 234 7560, or email info@roseclinic.ie.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Associated Surgeons

To make an appointment in our of our clinic locations, contact our Central Booking Office today.