Frequently Asked Questions

A Full Body Mole Screening appointment would cost €330, and would consist of head-to-toe, full body digital imagingand a dermoscopic assessment of any lesion that has atypical characteristics. 

We also offer a dermoscopic assessment of up to 5 lesions for €160. 

Returning appointment fees are as follows:
Returning Full Body Screening – €275
Returning Mole Check – €120
Short interval follow (as recommended by Medical Team ) – €100

We are not affiliated with any health insurance company, and cover for our services is not guaranteed. While cover is unlikely, some patients have been successful in claiming back from their provider, and so we would recommend checking with your provider directly for more information on your level of cover for screening services.

Unfortunately our receipts are autogenerated from our Booking System, and cannot be amended to include additional or alternative information. Our receipts include the name of all medical doctors involved in the reviewing process.

Due to the level of demand for our services, we would require a €50 deposit to secure your appointment with one of our melanographers. 

Once appointment is cancelled more than 48 hours prior to your appointment, your deposit will be returned.  If the appointment is cancelled within 48 hours, your deposit will be lost as a cancellation fee.  

You do not need a GP referral to attend our clinic. You can self-refer by contacting our Central Booking Office on 021 234 7560 or by emailing info@roseclinic.ie. You can also schedule an appointment by clicking the Book Now button in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Rose Clinic’s Mole Screening and Mole Check services are only suitable to those aged 16 years or older. 

If you have a large quantity of lesions, or want a baseline of your skin, a full body screening is appropriate. If you have an immediate concern, and want a specific lesion or lesions checked, a Mole Check will do this. If your concern is more aesthetic, such as pigmentation spots or the removal of skin tags, then you should choose a Skin Health Check.

You will not meed a doctor on the day of your appointment. You will be seen by a member of our nurse-led melanographer team who will complete the appintment. 

Your imaging will be review by one of our doctor-led medical team. In some instances, your case may be presented at our multidisciplinary meeting to ensure the best recommenation is made to you. 

We aim to make our recommendation to you within 2 weeks of your appointment. You may reveive this by email or one of our medical team will call you directly.

We are not a dermatology clinic, and therefore cannot comment on general skin conditions. 

Some people are confused by the difference between dermatology and dermoscopy. Dermatology is a subspeciality within medicine that focuses strictly on the skin. They deal with skin cancer,s but they also deal with a variety of general skin conditions, such as ezcems, psoriasis, and things of that natures. Dermoscopy is strictly a imaging modality that is often used by dermatologists but is also used by other healthcare practitioners that are trained in dermoscopy. 

The whole principle behind dermoscopy is that it is a non-invasive diagnostic tool for analysing skin and skin lesions. We use a device called a dermoscope which is a high magnifiction lense coupled with a light source which is used on the surface of the skin to analyse it for any changes or any concerning features. The premise behind dermoscopy is that we can detect subtle changes in the skin, subtle features in your lesions, and any dangerous changes occuring better than you with the himan eye. 

Patients essentially, if they have dermoscopic imaging of the concerning lesions, are getting more accurace diagnosis, they’re getting an earlier diagnosis, which then leads to hopefully earlier treatment and therefore better outcomes long term. 

To make an appointment for one of our clinic, contact our Central Booking Office today.